Nähkurs aus der Sicht einer Teilnehmerin

Betty Afande (16 years)

My name is Betty Afande, I am 16years old, both my parents died in 2007, due to HIV/AIDS. I am a total orphan living with my mothers sister, who has seven children of her own and three other orphans like me.

I completed my Kenya Certificate of Education in 2011 and got 245 points out of 500 points. I was admitted to Demesi Secondary School, but my aunt could not raise the school fees required for me to enroll for the Secondary School.

I have been sitting at home and doing nothing, but thanks to the HOPE TEAM for introducing the sewing project. Now I can learn how to sew, and this has really improved myself esteem and has given me confidence to face the future. THANK YOU HOPE TEAM.

The Sewing Project has 3 sewing machines for a total of 35 women and 1 teacher. The students come at intervals from 9:00am to 4:00pm. They sit and wait for their turn to learn how to sew.

Author: Recky Awino Kyalo Project Coordinator for hope e. V. in Kenya

The Ladies makes preparations for sewing.

Lots of helping hands.